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Our site uses a few different categories of cookies:

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Remember, when it comes to cookies and your privacy, you are in control at all times. You can delete or block cookies at any time using your browser. However, please keep in mind that the disabling of certain cookies – such as those that allow for us to provide relevant content based on your location – may lead to a limited experience.

How We Protect Your Privacy can assure our readers that we will not misuse your data. We follow all regulations and standards of the industry that relate to data policies and consumer privacy.

Our site uses industry-standard HTTPS encryption to ensure user security & privacy when browsing our services.

At no point will anyone from our company ask for or require access to your personal information. We do not have a mailing list or membership of any kind. Though we may recommend gaming sites, we do not accept or collect any type of payment information from our readers.

Our Services

Gaming is a form of entertainment. and its writers recommend that our readers game and gamble responsibly when they are of legal age and sound mind. Our services are in no way intended for users under the age of 18.

It is important to note that our writers are experts in various aspects of the iGaming industry, but should not be considered legal experts. Our site is for informational and entertainment purposes only. We, therefore, urge anyone with legal questions about a gambling market or particular situation consult with a qualified attorney. Our articles are subject to our editorial guidelines, well-researched and based on the most current information available, but we do not claim any standing in a court of law.

Every iGaming situation is unique, and each country – and province, state, and sometimes locality – maintains its own set of laws specific to their residents. An attorney specializing in gambling law should be consulted with all specialized concerns about a gambling issue. Our goal is to provide enough information for the average player to know about the most recent decisions and laws, as well as some of the history of the games and how companies operate. Our recommendations are based on research and expertise, but should not be taken as official legal advice.